Iatia Imaging's QPI provides a digital phase contrast solution to transmission imaging techniques at the nanoscale where few other contrast mechanisms are available due to fabrication difficulties for short wavelength radiations like electrons and x-rays.
QPI is a valuable contrast mechanism at the nanoscale where absorption is minimal.
QPI is able to resolve the atomic structure of semiconductor substrates.
Magnetic fields affect the phase of the electron, allowing QPI to map them.
QPI images quantitatively measure the optical thickness of a sample.
QPI makes available, at the nanoscale, phase visualization techniques usually associated with optical microscopy, such as Differential Interference Contrast (DIC), Zernike Phase Contrast and Hoffman Modulation Contrast.
Unlike other phase contrast algorithms used in research applications, QPI is a non-iterative and rapid solution allowing for the capture of live video images with a resolution of up to 640x480 pixels at 15 frames a second.
QPt for DigitalMicrographâ„¢ by HREM Research, Inc
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